Friday, December 10, 2010

Chemistry Bonus Opportunities

All Bonus assignments will be due by the end of classes on Tuesday.  The earlier in the week I receive your assignment, the more credit you get.  Similarly, the better the quality of the assignment, the more likely you are to receive more credit.  

If you complete an assignment comment to this post with your Name, Class, and Assignment.

Chemistry Class Bonus Opportunities:
  1. Make a “Mind Map” Poster covering all the topics we have discussed this yearHow to Make a Mind Map
  2. Famous Scientist Video Interview - Research information about a famous scientist we have discussed in class this year.  Use the information you have learned to create a video interview (minimum of 3 minutes of science).  You should include details of the person's life, scientific accomplishments, and the affects their work had or has on society.  Also, point out any further questions that their discoveries raise that may need to be addressed  Example of a Famous Scientist Interview.  Example #2
  3. Careers in Science - Research a career in a scientific field that interests you.  Education requirements and salary for a career in this field should be addressed.  Sources may include reference books and internet sources.  Sources must be sited.  Write a 2-5 page paper explaining why you would or would not choose this career based on your research.   
  4. Chemistry Song Parody Music VideoExample 1Example 2
  5. Chemistry Game - Brainstorm and develop a game (board, card, etc.) that can be used to help students review chemistry topics.  Write a set of instructions for the game, including how it should be played, the objective, and how a winner is determined.  Make any game pieces necessary for sixteen people to play the game.  Present the game to your instructor and "play" a game.  E-mail the directions to your instructor and the Subject should include the student's Name, Class, Chemistry Game..  Example of Chemistry Board Game
  6. Tutorial – Pick a topic covered in class earlier this year with which you struggled or excelled and create a tutorial video that I can put on the blog to help students in the future.   Factual information should be included, but the majority of the presentation should focus on examples/solutions and applications of the topic.  
  7. Complete a Virtual Lab and associated activities:
    1. Radioactive Dating Game Module and Radioactive Dating Game WS
    2. Salts & Solubility Module, and Salts & Solubility Directions, and Salts & Solubility Questions
    3. pH Scale Module and  pH scale Directions and pH scale Questions
If you have have another suggestion for a bonus assignment that is not listed above please send me an email with your idea.  I am happy to consider it.  


  1. Artem Bulashev, Video about Potassium with Water. "G"

  2. Artem Bulashev, 2 of flash-games. "G"

  3. Filip Parhimchyk, Interview with D. Mendeleev. G Period

  4. Sami Hercules, #2 Virtual lab, G

  5. Ivan - G Period - Chemistry Monopoly game

  6. Kirsten - G period - Careers in Science

  7. Francesco-F period-completed radioactive dating game module and game

  8. JuYeon - H period - Mind map, scientist interview and the essay about scientific career
