Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

In class:

Because of my absence on Friday, many classes received different assignments. In general, all classes reviewed electron configuration as well as introductory information regarding the formation of the periodic table.

Regardless of class, all students are responsible for having read all of Chapter 5 and completing the notes and questions associated with each section.


The "Make Your Own Periodic Table" that students completed on Friday were returned. Each student is responsible for answering the questions below based on their periodic table.
1) What trends exist looking across the rows from left to right?
2) What trends exist looking at the columns from top to bottom?
3) What changes would you make to your table to increase the trends seen? What problems do you see where elements do not fit the trends? Analyze and Explain.
**The evaluation of this activity is more important than the creation of the table.**

WARNING: I STRONGLY encourage all students to review quantum numbers and electron configurations to prepare for a possible quiz later this week!

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