Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book Keeping:

  • Textbooks were assigned
  • Chemical vs. Physical Change Homework was collected
  • Chemical vs. Physical Change Lab Assignments were collected
    • If you failed to complete or submit the lab, please do the following alternate assignment
      Please visit this website.  < http://vital.cs.ohiou.edu/?page_id=161 >

      Take/Print the "Pre-test" and give it to me (please show any corrections you made). 

      Perform the Virtual Lab Module (Take a "screen shot" with your results & email it to me)

      Take / Print the "Post-Lab Test" and give it to me with any corrections shown

In Class:

  • Began lecture including the topics
    • SI units of measure
    • Metric System
    • Unit Conversions
    • Scientific Notation


  • Complete Metric Conversions & Scientific Notation Worksheet (it was emailed to all classes)
  • Read Section 1.4 in the textbook, pages 17-21

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